Monastery of Santa María de Aciveiro
Monastery of Santa María de Aciveiro
Mosteiro de Santa María de Aciveiro is a monastery in Galicia, Spain.
36556 Forcarei (Pontevedra)
Monastery of Santa María de Aciveiro
Mosteiro de Santa María de Aciveiro is a monastery in Galicia, Spain.
36556 Forcarei (Pontevedra)
The Monastery of Santa María de Mezonzo
The Monastery of Santa María de Mezonzo is a Spanish religious building in Romanesque style in the parish of Santa María de Mezonzo, in the municipality of Vilasantar.
15807 Vilasantar (A Coruña)
Monfero Abbey is a former Cistercian monastery dedicated to Mary, Mother of Jesus, in the province of A Coruña in Galicia, Spain.
Mosteiro de Santa María de Monfero
Mosteiro de Santa María de Monfero
15619 Monfero (A Coruña)
Travesa, nº 20 15704 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
Igrexa de Santa María do Camiño (Patrimonio)
Travesa, nº 20 15704 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
15967 Ribeira (A Coruña)
Igrexa parroquial de San Paio de Carreira (Patrimonio)
Cruceiro de Sampaio (Patrimonio)
The Saint Mary's of Sar Collegiate Church is a monastery of regular canons of Saint Augustine. It was founded in 1126 by Diego Xelmírez as a donation for the canons that would retire under the rule of Saint Augustine, preserving their privileges in the cathedral. It was secularized and turned into a Collegiate Church in 1548. Nowadays it is a parish under the Diocese of Santiago. The church and the north side of the cloister are from the Middle Ages. The church is a remarkable example of Romanesque architecture from Santiago; a basilica plant with three naves and the aisle wider.
The Sar Collegiate Church Museum is located in an adjoining building at the south side of the church. The exhibition goes on through three halls. The visit starts at the reception, where a stone pillar with paired columns by Mateo's workshop. The second hall shows pieces related to the priory of Sar and to the monks' life, among other items. These pieces are architectonic elements from the old 13th century cloister or Baroque sculptures, like the San Roque de Montpellier with the Jacobean iconography.
Museo da Colexiata do Sar (Museos de Galicia)
Museo de Arte Sacra de Santa María a Real de Sar
Colección de pezas arquitectónicas extraídas do antigo claustro, do século XIII, hoxe desaparecido na súa maior parte, e diversas esculturas relixiosas. Tamén mostra obxectos e ornamentos litúrxicos que amosan a vida desta comunidade ó longo dos séculos XVII ó XIX (como cruces procesionais ou cálices) e, noutra sala, unha ampla colección de traxes tradicionais galegos.
Colexiata de Santa María do Sar (Wikipedia)
Colexiata de Santa María a Real de Sar
Galería de imaxes da colexiata do Sar
Igrexa de Santiago is a church in A Coruña, Galicia. Founded in the 12th century, it became a historic monument on 18 August 1972.