Archaeological museum

Museo de Prehistoria e Arqueoloxía de Vilalba


The Prehistoric and Archaeological Museum of Vilalba opens its doors in the current site in the summer of 2002. The centre is exclusively dedicated to period between the Palaeolithic and the Roman era in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. The archaeological material mainly comes from individual deposits and the findings made during archaeological excavations, promoted by the museum and other entities and professionals.

Museo da Prehistoria e Arqueoloxía de Vilalba (Museos de Galicia)

Museo da Prehistoria e Arqueoloxía de Vilalba (museum´s web)

Domingo Goás, nº 2 27800 Vilalba (Lugo)

Concello, Comarca ou Provincia

Museo Arqueolóxico e Histórico








The San Anton Castle was an old fortification for defending the city of A Coruña. It is situated in front of the Paseo do Parroted, in the former island known as "Lila da Pena Grande”. During its period as an island (from the 40s to the 20th century), San Antón would communicate with the city from the Casa de Botes or do Boteiro (House of Boats) - current library of the museum.

Museo Arqueolóxico e Histórico da Coruña (Museos de Galicia)

Castelo de Santo Antón (Galipedia)

Castelo de San Antón (in Coruña´s town hall web)

Paseo Marítimo Alcalde Francisco Vázquez, nº 2 15001 A Coruña (A Coruña)

Concello, Comarca ou Provincia

Centro Arqueolóxico do Barbanza. Castros de Neixón









The Archaeological Centre of Barbanza (CAB) was promoted by the RGPA Rede Galega do Patrimonio Arqueolóxico (Galician Network for Archaeological Patrimony), created in 2001 by the Servizo de Arqueoloxía da Dirección Xeral do Patrimonio Cultural (the archaeology department of the Galician Directorate-General of Cultural Patrimony). In a first stage, CAB was listed as an archaeology site available for visits, which a supplementary character regarding the archaeological parks belonging to the same theme (castro culture).

Castros de Punta Neixón (Galipedia)

Centro Arqueolóxico do Barbanza (Museos de Galicia)

Centro Arqueolóxico do Barbanza

Castro de Neixón. Nine, s/n. Cespón
15991 Boiro

Concello, Comarca ou Provincia

Museo Provincial de Lugo

    27003 Lugo
    Tlf. 982242112 Fax 982240240


Praza da Soidade, s/n 27001 Lugo (Lugo)


Museo Provincial de Lugo

Museo Provincial de Lugo | Museos de Galicia

Provincial Museum of Lugo


In 1932 the Provincial Council of Lugo created the museum in order to collect and protect the patrimony of the province, which were spread in individual collections and public institutions. At first, the museum would be located in the Palacio Provincial de San Marcos. In 1957 the museum is moved to the present location, the rooms of the old San Francisco convents and a new building designed by the architect Manuel Gómez Román. From this moment on, the museum enjoyed several extensions.

The first floor houses a collection of tiles from the 3rd century, found in a plot in Armañá Street (Lugo). It also presents the collections of sacred art, including a stone image of the Saviour coming from San Pedro de Fiz de Muxa (Lugo), a wide range of Gothic Mannerist and Baroque imagery, the processional crosses made of silver and other objects for religious purposes. In the cloister, the visitor can behold pieces of epigraphy, heraldry and other collections in stone. The convent kitchen of this floor shows the etnographic funds, next to the refectory.

The high part of the cloister is devoted to Prehistory and Archaeology. The visitor will find a chronological tour from the Palaeolithic to the end of Romanisation, as well as the ceramics, glass, numismatic and medals collections.

On the second floor the visitor will enjoy the Galician art collections, focused in painting and sculpture from the 19th and 20th century with monographic halls dedicated to Antonio Fernández, Julia Minguillón and Corredoira, along with the ceramic collection from Sargadelos - which is a separate hall hosting pieces from all periods of production of the Real Fábrica.

In 2010, the first floor of the new building (opened in 1997) was restored, allowing space for Galician drawings and engravings sections. The halls are monographic for Castelao, Prieto Nespereira and Castro Gil, maintaining the chandelier collection.


Concello, Comarca ou Provincia

Museo Arqueolóxico Provincial de Ourense









The location of the museum is the old Episcopal Pazo, at the heart of the old town. The pazo was declared historical - artistic site in 1931. The complex has a Romanesque central part and later extension.

Museo Arqueolóxico Provincial de Ourense (Museos de Galicia)

Museo Arqueolóxico Provincial de Ourense (Wikipedia)

Carretera da Granxa, Conxunto de San Francisco, nº s/n 32004 Ourense (Ourense), provisionalmente

Concello, Comarca ou Provincia