
Museo Histórico de Sargadelos


Casa da Administración, s/n 27891 Cervo (Lugo)

Recolle pezas relacionadas coa evolución histórica das Reais Fábricas de Sargadelos –, industria siderúrxica creada a finais do XVIII e transformada a primeiros do XIX en fábrica de louza, ata desaparecer en 1875- sen esquece-la historia industrial galega máis destacada. Mostra antigas pezas de cerámica, útiles da fundición e os moldes orixinais, no que foi a casa da administración daquela fábrica.

Museos de Galicia

In 1972, the Reais Fábricas de Sargadelos were declared Historic and Artistic Site. The factories were established in 18th century, by Antonio Raimúndez Ibáñez, Marquis of Sargadelos. The Reais Fábricas de Sargadelos are considered the first integrated steel working company in Spain. Weapons and ammunitions for the Spanish Army were actually manufactured in the factory. During 19th century, this activity coexisted with an innovative factory of crockery which introduced in Spain patterns and decorations with strong English connections at that time. The Reais Fábricas production halted in 1875.

The preserved remains for the old complex are the blast furnaces, the reservoir and channel - today turned into the beautiful lover's promenade, the Pazo of the Marquis and the Administrative Building (which houses the museum) The museum, which shows the evolution of the production of the Reais Fábricas de Sargadelos, and the rest of the complex offer a tour through the milestones of Galician industrial history.

Concello, Comarca ou Provincia

La Real Fábrica de Sargadelos




La Real Fábrica de Sargadelos inauguró el primer alto horno de España. Por el desplazamiento de los centros de comunicación y otras causas, los trabajos de Sargadelos terminaron en 1876, después de un período de decadencia.

Otero, Pedrayo, R ,. (1980). Guide of Galicia. Vigo Ed: Galaxy.


Concello, Comarca ou Provincia